Rent now your own prepaid ARK: Survival Evolved Server at
Here you can find popular admin commands for your ARK server!
Admin commands or 'cheat' commands are used in either single player mode or a private server (dedicated, non-dedicated and also PC hosted third-party server). In order to enter ANY command, first. Jul 24, 2017 So if I have the rates set such that it takes 45min for a dino to mature and where I have to cuddle every 35min, then at best I can only get 78% imprinting because 35/45 =.78 where the remaining 10 minute are just wasted. Likewise, if it took 50min to mature a dino with a cuddle interval of 5min, then each cuddling should give 10% imprinting.
Ark Game Cheat Fully Mature Skin
Ark Game Cheat Fully Mature Skin
Admistrative Commands
Command | Description |
setcheatplayer true/false | enables/disables the cheat menu |
cheat SetMessageOfTheDay <message> | Sets a message of the day that appears when people join the server |
cheat broadcast <message> | Broadcasts a message to everyone on the server, and forces their chat window to open |
cheat god | Enables godmode, you can not die except you can still drown |
cheat fly | Allows you to fly |
cheat walk | Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again |
cheat teleport | Teleports you to coords 0 0 0 (X Y Z) |
cheat slomo 5 | Changes the speed on the server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed |
cheat playersonly | Freezes absolutely everything except players, this even includes crafting |
cheat ghost | Turns on noclip, you are able to walk through walls and objects |
cheat forcetame | Instantly tames a dinosaur, you can even ride it without a saddle |
cheat addexperience 1000 0 0 | Gives you 1000xp, you can change the value and if you change the second 0 to a 1 it will share the xp among your tribe |
cheat giveresources | Gives you 50 of all resources |
cheat infinitestats | Gives you infinite hunger, stamina and infinite ammo |
cheat listplayers | Shows a list of all players on the server with their SteamID |
cheat damagetarget <amount> | Deals damage to the creature you are aiming at *Broken* |
cheat destroyallenemies | Destroys all enemies, they respawn eventually |
cheat hurtme <amount> | Deals x amount of damage to yourself |
togglegun | Toggles the visibility of your currently equipped weapon/tool |
cheat settimeofday <timestring> | Changes the time of day, for example cheat settimeofday 12:00 |
cheat setplayerpos 0 0 0 | Allows you to teleport to coords |
cheat saveworld | Saves the current worldstate |
cheat quit | Exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown |
cheat execsetsleeping true/false | Puts your character to sleep/wakes them up |
cheat enemyinvisible true/false | Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them |
cheat destroyall <classname> | destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific classnames, also works with structures |
cheat summon <classname> | Summons a dinosaur at your location. This command can also be used to summon structures, structures will be rotated depending on the players viewing direction |
cheat giveitemnum <ID> <QTY> <Quality> <True/False> | Gives you an item, example admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false gives you a simple pistol and admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 100 false gives you an ascendant simple pistol |
cheat givetome | Makes any structure/dino you are currently looking at yours |
stat fps | Shows your fps and latency, usable by anyone. commands do not need to be enabled for this |
Retrieved from ''
Image | Item Name | Item ID | GFI Code |
Absorbent Substrate | SubstrateAbsorbent | cheat gfi SubstrateAbsorbent 1 1 0 | |
Achatina Paste | SnailPaste | cheat gfi SnailPaste 1 1 0 | |
Ammonite Bile | AmmoniteBlood | cheat gfi AmmoniteBlood 1 1 0 | |
Angler Gel | AnglerGel | cheat gfi AnglerGel 1 1 0 | |
Black Pearl | BlackPearl | cheat gfi BlackPearl 1 1 0 | |
Blue Gem | Gem_BioLum | cheat gfi Gem_BioLum 1 1 0 | |
Blood Pack | 45 | cheat gfi BloodPack 1 1 0 | |
Cementing Paste | 144 | cheat gfi ChitinPaste 1 1 0 | |
Charcoal | 76 | cheat gfi Charcoal 1 1 0 | |
Charge Battery | ChargeBattery | cheat gfi ChargeBattery 1 1 0 | |
Chitin or Keratin | 212 | cheat gfi ChitinOrKeratin 1 1 0 | |
Chitin | 11 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Chitin 1 1 0 | |
Clay | Clay | cheat gfi Clay 1 1 0 | |
Congealed Gas Ball | PrimalItemResource_Gas | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Gas 1 1 0 | |
Crystal | 77 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Crystal 1 1 0 | |
Deathworm Horn | KeratinSpike | cheat gfi KeratinSpike 1 1 0 | |
Electronics | 162 | cheat gfi Electronics 1 1 0 | |
Element | PrimalItemResource_Element | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Element 1 1 0 | |
Element Ore | ElementOre | cheat gfi ElementOre 1 1 0 | |
Element Shard | ElementShard | cheat gfi ElementShard 1 1 0 | |
Fiber | 75 | cheat gfi Fibers 1 1 0 | |
Flint | 72 | cheat gfi Flint 1 1 0 | |
Fungal Wood | FungalWood | cheat gfi FungalWood 1 1 0 | |
Gasoline | 161 | cheat gfi Gasoline 1 1 0 | |
Green Gem | Gem_Fertile | cheat gfi Gem_Fertile 1 1 0 | |
Gunpowder | 108 | cheat gfi Gunpowder 1 1 0 | |
Hide | 10 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Hide 1 1 0 | |
Human Hair | PrimalItemResource_Hair | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Hair 1 1 0 | |
Keratin | 213 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Keratin 1 1 0 | |
Leech Blood | LeechBlood | cheat gfi LeechBlood 1 1 0 | |
Leech Blood or Horns | Curing | cheat gfi Curing 1 1 0 | |
Metal Ingot | 73 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_MetalIngot 1 1 0 | |
Metal | 9 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Metal 1 1 0 | |
Obsidian | 141 | cheat gfi Obsidian 1 1 0 | |
Oil | 159 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Oil 1 1 0 | |
Oil (Tusoteuthis) | SquidOil | cheat gfi SquidOil 1 1 0 | |
Organic Polymer | Polymer_Organic | cheat gfi Polymer_Organic 1 1 0 | |
Pelt | 419 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Pelt 1 1 0 | |
Pelt, Hair, or Wool | PeltOrHair | cheat gfi PeltOrHair 1 1 0 | |
Polymer | 163 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Polymer 1 1 0 | |
Preserving Salt | PreservingSalt | cheat gfi PreservingSalt 1 1 0 | |
Propellant | Propellant | cheat gfi Propellant 1 1 0 | |
Rare Flower | 246 | cheat gfi RareFlower 1 1 0 | |
Rare Mushroom | 247 | cheat gfi RareMushroom 1 1 0 | |
Raw Salt | RawSalt | cheat gfi RawSalt 1 1 0 | |
Red Gem | Gem_Element | cheat gfi Gem_Element 1 1 0 | |
Sand | Sand | cheat gfi Sand 1 1 0 | |
Sap | PrimalItemResource_Sap | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Sap 1 1 0 | |
Silica Pearls | 160 | cheat gfi Silicon 1 1 0 | |
Silk | Silk | cheat gfi Silk 1 1 0 | |
Sparkpowder | 107 | cheat gfi Sparkpowder 1 1 0 | |
Stimulant | 123 | cheat gfi Stimulant 1 1 0 | |
Stone | 8 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Stone 1 1 0 | |
Sulfur | Sulfur | cheat gfi Sulfur 1 1 0 | |
Thatch | 74 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Thatch 1 1 0 | |
Wood | 7 | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Wood 1 1 0 | |
Wool | Wool | cheat gfi Wool 1 1 0 | |
Woolly Rhino Horn | PrimalItemResource_Horn | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Horn 1 1 0 | |
Wishbone | Wishbone | cheat gfi Wishbone 1 1 0 | |
Mistletoe | MistleToe | cheat gfi MistleToe 1 1 0 | |
Coal | PrimalItemResource_Coal | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Coal 1 1 0 | |
Birthday Candle | BirthdayCandle | cheat gfi BirthdayCandle 1 1 0 | |
Dinosaur Bone | ARKBone | cheat gfi ARKBone 1 1 0 | |
Dermis | TaxidermyDermis | cheat gfi TaxidermyDermis 1 1 0 | |
Dino Spawner | DinoSpawner_Base | cheat gfi DinoSpawner_Base 1 1 0 | |
Condensed Gas | CondensedGas | cheat gfi CondensedGas 1 1 0 | |
Corrupt Heart | RareDrop_CorruptHeart | cheat gfi RareDrop_CorruptHeart 1 1 0 | |
Corrupted Nodule | CorruptedPolymer | cheat gfi CorruptedPolymer 1 1 0 | |
Red Crystalized Sap | RedSap | cheat gfi RedSap 1 1 0 | |
Blue Crystalized Sap | BlueSap | cheat gfi BlueSap 1 1 0 | |
Element Dust | PrimalItemResource_ElementDust | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_ElementDust 1 1 0 | |
Corrupted Wood | CorruptedWood | cheat gfi CorruptedWood 1 1 0 | |
Scrap Metal | PrimalItemResource_ScrapMetal | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_ScrapMetal 1 1 0 | |
Scrap Metal Ingot | ScrapMetalIngot | cheat gfi ScrapMetalIngot 1 1 0 | |
Gasbags bladder | ApexDrop_GasBag | cheat gfi ApexDrop_GasBag 1 1 0 | |
Fragmented Green Gem | FracturedGem | cheat gfi FracturedGem 1 1 0 | |
Unstable Element | ElementRefined | cheat gfi ElementRefined 1 1 0 | |
Unstable Element Shard | ShardRefined | cheat gfi ShardRefined 1 1 0 | |
Silicate | Silicate | cheat gfi Silicate 1 1 0 | |
Crafted Element Dust | ElementDustFromShards | cheat gfi ElementDustFromShards 1 1 0 | |
Shell Fragment | TurtleShell | cheat gfi TurtleShell 1 1 0 | |
Ambergris | Ambergris | cheat gfi Ambergris 1 1 0 | |
Golden Nugget | GoldenNugget | cheat gfi GoldenNugget 1 1 0 | |
High Quality Pollen | HighQualityPollen | cheat gfi HighQualityPollen 1 1 0 | |
Golden Striped Megalodon Tooth | RetrieveMegTooth | cheat gfi RetrieveMegTooth 1 1 0 | |
Reaper King Phermone Gland | RetrieveReaperGland | cheat gfi RetrieveReaperGland 1 1 0 | |
Primal Crystal | Crystal_IslesPrimal | cheat gfi Crystal_IslesPrimal 1 1 0 |